EMERGE’s multi-disciplinary collaborations for research, training, and outreach are structured by Science of Team Science best practices, and supported by a robust multidisciplinary data management system, with the EMERGE Database (EMERGE-DB) as its core. Trainees actively participate in both research and outreach. A rotating External Advisory Committee provides feedback to the entire team.

EMERGE institute flowchart

To accomplish the tight integration required across the team to achieve its goals, and to improve resilience to new challenges and responsiveness to new opportunities, EMERGE uses a distributed network leadership structure, with concentric rings comprising the Executive Committee, team leaders, team members, and trainees (the latter at the undergraduate (u), graduate (g), and postdoctoral (p) levels). The 9 teams are: Education & Training; Outreach; Research Platform; Data Management & Informatics; and the 5 Research Activity (RA) teams, RA1 = Expression & Acclimation; RA2 = Interactions & Assembly; RA3 = Genetic Diversity & Adaption; RA4 = G2E2G Integration; RA5 = Scaling to the Landscape.

EMERGE team network
Figure by Suzanne Hodgkins.